
"Yorukumo" (Nightspider) by Michi Urushihara.

Just finished Vols. 1 and 2 of "Yorukumo" (Nightspider) by Michi Urushihara. The work will continue to the next volme.The theme, society gaps between the haves and the have-nots, has something in common to Lars von Trier's "Dogvill".
Or it's a negative image of Ghibli animation works.
Two main characters, innocent in different ways, are forced to face the severity and extreme cruelty of the gap.


The 97th COMITIA is over and my new single CD

I was in my booth of another dojin event COMITIA 97 held today.

The event is only for "original" contents, whose elements such as characters or settings are not derived from other major works.

Even only a week after the biggest event, the 80th Comic Market, quite a lot of people visited this event, showing strong interesting with this kind of contents.

The air has got still cooler for these two days, with occasional little rain and we felt much better than a week ago.

My new single CD was released on this event, named as "Ting Single" with one song and its instrumental version of about 7 minutes each. The track has not yet on the web but its extract.

Tin (仮題)サンプル powered by ピアプロ


The 2nd day of the 80th Comic Market is over

The 2nd day of the 80th Comic Market is over. I met and talked with some of my friends who is also making music, in spite of too much hotness, humidity and crowd of the most extreme level.

The event has grown up to such a level that one can only visit the booths of their interest by looking up their location in the map in advance. In other words, there'd hardly be unintentional encounters with unknown artists. Less surprising.


Four new songs uploaded on Jango Airplay

Four new songs uploaded on Jango Airplay Grünemusik channel. The songs are:

Djue and Siesta Dub is not uploaded on Jamendo and exclusively heard on the Jango channel by now.

THURA*POP is a unit by Aya Izumi, a Japanese diva of doujin music.

Siesta Dub is a lovers rock style remix of the song "Siesta", composed by Aya Izumi and I, and published in the latest album "こすもらじお - いつかだれかがうたったうた -" (COSMORADIO - Songs sung by someone on those days).


New work of Azusa Itakura "タオの城 (Tao's Castle)" announced

The announcement of new manga "タオの城 (Tao's Castle)" by Azusa Itakura, who made the cover art of the album "Time Machine", finally appeared in the current 週間漫画Times magazine.
This will be the second series of her work in the magazine. The title gives an impression of Chinese culture, but most details unknown by now, except for this picture and the short legend with it. We have to just watch and wait...


Comments on Pmlw Single

Pmlw Single was made and released on August 28, 2010 for the 93rd Comitia.

I don't remember exactly what I was thinking when I made this. I was under just a spontaneous process of placing and editing melodies and sounds on my DAW. It was basically an automatic writing of the music even on post-processing of the arrangements.

The result somehow lacks a focus, or showing-off things. It was like a weaved textiles.


Phase 2 beginning: moving from Jamendo blog

I just moved from Jamendo's Grünemusik blog to here in blogger.com. Jamendo is good place for me, but the blog system slows down significantly in these days.

Many things are untold, and I'll try to show some of them one by one in upcoming entries.